ITIB Machinery’s strength, as well as the high quality of its products, is its proactive attitude, not just consultancy. In fact, it proposes itself as a competent and versatile partner, working alongside the customer, supporting and accompanying him to meet all his needs, putting him in a position to overcome any production difficulties. ITIB Machinery offers worldwide coverage using a dense and well-organized network of agents who support the Sales Department staff to ensure and maintain constant and close contact with its customers and the market. Its presence is constantly growing from Europe to the United States, passing through Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East, India, Asia, Japan, China, Russia and Australia.
Average production PER YEAR
extrusion die-heads
complete lines
downstream and ancillary equipment
ITIB Machinery’s
Production of the
first corrugator
Corrugators sold
all over the world
ITIB Machinery is headquartered in Paderno Franciacorta, a small town in the province of Brescia, one of Italian most prolific manufacturing territories, located about a hundred kilometers from Milan.
ITIB Machinery India
In 2020 ITIB Machinery decided to set up the company under Indian law ITIB Machinery India Pvt. Ltd. with headquarters in Mumbai. The manufacturing activity is aimed at the completion and supply of small-sized corrugators and extrusion lines for the Indian market.
ITIB Machinery strongly believes in innovation and specialisation: research and development of new technologies are among the company’s main targets, so much so that it has created a dedicated in-house division that works in direct and constant collaboration with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the University of Brescia, division of ‘Science and Technology of Materials’, which represents one of the most advanced technological centres on the Italian scene.
Professor Eng. Giorgio Ramorino Phd, lecturer of the ‘Designing with Plastics’ course, supports the company in-house R&D Department by assisting it in FEM and CFD analysis and characterization of polymeric materials.
Collaboration with:
the University of Brescia, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

One of the distinctive assets of ITIB Machinery is its customer service, which goes beyond the after-sales activity aimed at replacing components and spare parts. An all-round customer service, designed to provide reliable, competent and rapid support at any time and whatever the circumstance or event make it necessary. For the company it is essential that the customer is aware that the purchased products, corrugators, tools, downstream and ancillary equipment or complete systems, are constantly followed from the design phase to installation, including routine maintenance, preventive maintenance and adaptation to new production requirements. The Technical Support Team consists of several people who are responsible for fast collecting and analysing reports and requests, in order to plan and implement customer support as quickly as possible.
technical support